The day the committee was to be established, Summers went to the law school and spoke to the entire faculty.
It is the only law school in Pakistan where entire faculty consist of practicing lawyers and judges.
In fact, he said, until recently the entire faculty was Vietnamese and all teaching in that language.
"He was extremely enthusiastic, had a real love for children and was respected by the entire faculty."
The decrease in religious faculty continued through the 1980s, until the entire faculty was made up of lay teachers.
Nearly the entire faculty at the law school has signed a statement condemning the professor's remarks.
At Yale, the task is left to the entire faculty, including senior professors.
The entire faculty is involved in decision making at all levels.
"I can speak for the entire faculty," he said.
Let us remember that this is a woman who had a show on network television, making more money in a week than the entire faculty.