The indictment - against the entire firm, rather than individuals - comes at a critical time in Andersen's campaign for survival.
There must be a relentless focus on risk management that starts at the top of the organization and permeates down to the entire firm.
"We will all make decisions that are the best for the entire firm, not just one division or the other," he said.
But I don't want to research and write briefs for the entire firm.
An acquisition of the entire firm is still a great likelihood, the officials said.
They lost at least $120 million, which was sufficient to ruin the quarterly earnings of the entire firm.
We end this chapter with a brief consideration of how to value the entire firm.
Of course, his entire firm makes only about half the salary of a great many professional athletes.
If you spend too much time as a company beating yourself up, you'll pull down the entire firm with you.
When one of the companies, a building machinery business, failed the entire firm failed.