On the other had he constructed an entire model railway, ad again the result was most successful.
Changes are rippled through the entire model and the 2D drawing sheets using associativity.
So many 2005 models remained unsold that the entire 2006 model year was skipped.
Ismael exclaimed, his eyes trying to take in the entire model at once.
As these wheels are going to take the weight of the entire model, it is best to pin them for extra strength.
The mold should cover the entire model by about 1/8 to 1/4 inch.
The entire model is consistently structured in this manner.
Quantity-based modeling - the entire model is constructed using operational quantities.
Specialization isn't a suggestion, it's the underpinnings of our entire economic model.
For the hobbyist, kitbashing saves time that would be spent scratch building an entire model.