The boll weevil, and sometimes even the entire monument, has been stolen many times throughout the years.
On this occasion, the entire monument is proposed to be decorated with flowers and illuminated.
During the repointing, a web of scaffolding will protect the entire monument.
Here a turn-of-the-century ranch house had been converted into a visitor center and museum for the entire monument.
The entire monument will cost roughly 2 million euros.
Although the sculptor made replacements, they were never put up and the entire monument was taken down in 1846.
Buffy rolled away at the last moment as the entire monument imploded into the earth.
In late 2005 a complete restructuring process of the entire monument, including the Hercules statue, was initiated.
Yet each of these ramps is criticized for its inability to construct the entire monument.
In other words, ramping methods work fine for most of the superstructure, but cannot create the top or the entire monument.