I can't control an entire posse.
The posse chases them to the Mexican border, only to be foiled again by an explosive booby trap which blows up a trestle and sends the entire posse into the Rio Grande.
The entire posse moved in the direction of Blaine.
While in the home of their lawyer on the main street of Lincoln, New Mexico an entire posse of Murphy's men appear and surround the house, trapping them.
As the music played, the entire "posse" would march through the sheriff's office, waving for the camera (and for their families and friends watching; the segment ensured that every child had a chance to be on screen at least once).
Who can forget Helena Christensen tussling on a beach with Chris Isaak, Naomi Campbell keeping it in the closet with Michael Jackson, Cindy Crawford snuggling up to Jon Bon Jovi, or an entire posse of girls-on-film miming along to George Michael's "Freedom '90"?
If she were his, he'd have an entire posse out looking for her, tornado be damned.
Tontolino then gives Brawlio the location and recommended that he bring his entire posse along, as he sees a lot of weapons stacked in the dining room.
Skeeter nodded and made sure his entire posse was out of the stairwell before continuing.
So selective in fact that your entire posse may not get in unless you're dressed to the nines.