So an entire roomful of children in classroom A suddenly got very smart one year and very dim the next, or more likely, their sixth-grade teacher worked some magic with a no. 2 pencil.
One seemingly simple cost-cutting idea is to clean only the air right around the silicon wafer rather than the entire roomful of air.
Mr. Moser hopes another feature will attract corporate clients: When one alarm goes off, others within electronic earshot will go off in sympathy, creating an entire roomful of 120-decibel stuck pigs.
Jamie exclaimed with pleasure at my appearance, and the entire roomful of people turned to look at me, with expressions ranging from pleasant greeting to gape-mouthed awe.
Kelder told her that when the door had opened and he had stepped inside, it had seemed as if the entire roomful of furniture was charging at him.
She can also bore an entire roomful of people into potatoes.
Row after row, shelf after shelf, an entire roomful of writings.
He's the impulse to talk over an important personal problem with an entire roomful of concerned friends.
In a recent raid, transit workers removed an entire roomful of furniture, then scraped off wallpaper.
He kills two cops and an informant in Paris before proceeding to his most infamous exploit: the kidnapping of an entire roomful of OPEC ministers, in Vienna.