In order to commit himself to his political career, in 1846 Bentinck sold his entire stables and racing team for the bargain priceof £10,000.
The Emperor Nero kept an entire stable of them, and Bacchus, the god of wine, was depicted in mosaics as riding a chariot drawn by tigers.
When I returned to New York in December I found that my entire stable of contactees was mourning my passing.
An entire stable of recurring characters were seen.
She had put her entire stable of favorites aside for Mero's sake; the first few weeks were critical in the weaving of as complex a spell as she was working.
A motel clerk from @611 says she brought her entire stable of studs to his front door.
Collectors began to complain that they had been abandoned by dealers, many of whom instituted "waiting list" policies, which rewarded those who supported a gallery's entire stable of artists with access to its most sought-after works.
After her husband dies, wealthy Charlotte Danfield sells off his entire stable of horses and forbids son Lee to ride again.
Bowe represented his entire stable of fighters.
Sayyedati remained in training as a four-year-old, but failed to win in six races during a season in which Brittain's entire stable of horses appeared to run below expectations.