What was truly horrible about the entire tableau was the expression on Falconsbane's face.
The entire tableau before him was one of utter despair.
Once all possible moves have been exhausted, the entire tableau is reshuffled and redealt, again in fans of three with the remainder counting as a separate fan.
Could it be that he had invented the entire tableau, he wondered?
Grethe Zhor, the observer from Draylax, sat behind the press corps, taking in the entire tableau with an unreadable expression.
The columns are called the "flower beds" and the entire tableau is sometimes called "the garden."
The entire tableau took about five seconds.
From there, she surveyed the entire tableau.
Against the opposite wall, illuminated by a blue light that gave the entire tableau a surrealistic appearance, eight children were standing around a large, glowing model of the Earth.
The moment he spoke the entire projected tableau vanished.