The punch force increases during the process as the entire thickness of the material is sheared at once.
For more extensive tissue loss, a full-thickness skin graft, which includes the entire thickness of the skin, may be necessary.
Analysis of ice cores of the entire thickness of the Greenland glacier shows that climate over the last 250,000 years has changed frequently and abruptly.
A good frame should be deep enough to contain the entire thickness of the painting (this includes the stretcher).
A full-thickness skin graft consists of the epidermis and the entire thickness of the dermis.
Transplantation of the entire thickness of the cornea (penetrating keratoplasty) may be performed if there is enough normal tissue present.
An aortic rupture is a loss of integrity across the entire thickness of the aorta.
Ideally, the laser should melt the silicon film through its entire thickness, but not damage the substrate.
The gate is normally the first place to solidify through its entire thickness due to its small size.
The resistance of the epitaxial layer is more important here than for a transistor as the current has to cross its entire thickness.