If depression is a system consisting of various symptoms, when one of the symptoms improves, the entire trajectory of the depressive episode is transformed.
Both scholars advocate analyzing the entire trajectory or "social life" of a commodity to understand its full value.
To my mind, this sudden leap into science fiction - the revelation of feathers and wings and altered metabolism - changes the entire trajectory of the novel.
Each person participating in the experiment was fitted with a set of motion capture reflector balls and their entire trajectory was captured on a computer for later analysis.
Throughout the entire trajectory, you and the anvil are in free-fall, and neither you nor the anvil drops relative to the other.
By the conclusion of Rybczynski's itinerary, we feel that we have traced the entire trajectory of Palladio's career.
Compression is one solution to putting the entire trajectory of the two plays before a single audience in a single night.
The entire trajectory of the Water taxi is:
"It will enable visitors for the first time to follow the entire trajectory of European painting from its beginnings to the present," Mr. de Montebello said.
(It will be interesting to see the entire trajectory of Ellison's life in Arnold Rampersad's forthcoming biography.)