The safe in the corner was entirely obscured from view.
The city of the cores was gone now, obscured entirely by the dark beneath them.
How can you click on a window that is entirely obscured by another window?
The Shadow hadn't entirely obscured the light from the closet that connected with the hallway.
Before the subject becomes entirely obscured in the clouds of rhetoric, however, it may be useful to set out a few benchmarks.
It is typically seen in a long black coat and hat, with a thick yellow beard entirely obscuring its face.
He peered into the sooty fog; now the sky was gone, obscured entirely by the rain of dark.
But it delivers an important signal with subtle power: that we are visiting a time and place whose prevailing values have been almost entirely obscured.
He arrived in the road below their balcony on a tiny moped which his huge backside almost entirely obscured.
In ordinary conditions these two bodies are intermingled so that the identity of the finer one is entirely obscured.