Not entirely reassuring, but plausible enough to restore hope.
The document may not prove entirely reassuring, for Kazakhstan appears to be continuing to insist that it be treated on a par with Russia rather than joining Ukraine and Byelorussia in eventually ceding nuclear controls to Russia.
What they see is neither ham-handed repression on the Cultural Revolution model, nor entirely reassuring, either.
-Nahum3:19 Rhys's and Evaine's visit to Revan was not entirely reassuring, despite its apparent success.
Then Frisson said, delicately, "That is not entirely reassuring, Wiz ard Saul."
Not an entirely reassuring question in the circumstances, and one perhaps best not asked by a Michelin-starred chef of a reader who has likely been providing 'family meals' every day of her adult life.
There was a brief pause, not entirely reassuring, and then came the voice of the boyfriend.
That's not entirely reassuring, but given the general volatility out there, it's something.