Evans features a public art installation entitled People Hereabouts, created by Jack Unruh and dedicated in 2000.
It was officially entitled, People v. the Brooklyn Cooperage Company.
Dust is also featured in the current Thatchers Cider television commercial on ITV1 entitled 'People who care about cider'.
They published a book together entitled People, Places, Fists.
Beginning with the collection of stories entitled Marjorie Daw and Other People (1873), Aldrich wrote works of realism and quiet humor.
Inevitably, the writing bug also bit Marvin and at the age of 10 with his first attempt at songwriting, entitled, "People", he stumbled into the family business!
In 1996 Time, Inc. launched a Spanish-language magazine entitled People en Español.
Their first album was entitled, People.
While doing a title search on Amazon.com, Glass discovered a book entitled "Toxic People" published in 2007 by Marsha Petrie Sue.
This is the version used by the British Film Institute as the basis for its own DVD entitled People on Sunday, released 25 April 2005.