Charlie's shouting causes the entrance to the cave to collapse.
The laws allowed the state to deny milk licenses if the entrance of a new dealer would cause "destructive competition" in a county.
His entrance as the only white student causes tension and misunderstandings.
A hasty entrance could, at the very least, cause one to step on something strange and unpleas- ant to contemplate.
The entrance of the waiters with new dishes caused the Major to be slyer yet, but in a more serious vein.
The sudden entrance into hot sunlight caused Paige to shiver.
Steve Sankey's entrance causes an abrupt end to the celebrations.
Kali and Durukthi's entrance into the world caused an universal disaster.
His entrance into the camp caused a mild sensation.
But last week at 150 Wooster, the entrances didn't cause much more than a flutter of eyelids.