This entrance level would have been a large public room and the basement used for storage.
From the balcony at entrance level, you can step down on these pumps, blowing air into the sculpture below.
If they'd blocked off the escalator at entrance level, the station must be shut: there was no other way down or up.
On the entrance level is a shop, which also sells tickets, but no lockerboxes.
On the entrance level, there will be music rooms, administration offices, 10 classrooms and a 2,900-square-foot library.
With over 1500 students, and a 94.1 percent university entrance level, it has always been of one the most important schools in Turkey.
One wall of the entrance level was glass, and through it she could see the ocean.
The entire entrance level is now given over to the permanent collection.
The cave contains a lake which is 80 meters below the entrance level.
The first floor of the museum is the entrance level.