Flanking the entrance staircase are two statues representing Faith (with calyx) and Religion by Carlo Chelli.
The building rests on a platform, approached via entrance staircases, with a reflecting pool and tall glass-enclosed lobby emphasizing the airy lightnes.
Sixteen Yeomen Warders from the Tower of London lined the entrance staircase.
This is a simple chapel with nave ceiling, wooden beam gables and a small entrance staircase.
Aside from the entrance staircase and the occasional step, there is a small permanent ladder used to navigate through one narrow gap.
Likewise, in 2007, a 52-year-old woman drove her car into the entrance staircase, also thinking it would lead to a car park.
The bank commissioned two bronze lions from the United Kingdom at the time of construction, to be placed outside the front doors flanking the entrance staircase.
The entrance staircase on the southwest side is dominated by an archway.
The result is to make this feel more like a true entrance staircase than any of the others.
Frederick Fisher's overhaul gives P.S. 1 a grand entrance staircase worthy of this bohemian Met.