But he left little doubt that he planned to shake up Volkswagen's deeply entrenched culture.
Mr. Smith replied to such complaints by saying he was trying to change "an entrenched culture."
Ragma explains that the Whillowhim are one of the oldest, most powerful and entrenched cultures in the galaxy.
Pentagon reformers are fighting an entrenched, male culture that has historically devalued, if not degraded women.
It's doable, but it would take a fair amount of guts and determination because of the entrenched culture in Albany.
Then as now, an entrenched culture of dependency in some cities had crowded out most visible forms of entrepreneurial endeavour and renewal.
And nowhere is modern American culture more entrenched than in the suburbs.
She worked for newspapers where her education helped little in overcoming the entrenched culture of journalism as official stenography.
She and other women's leaders charge that an entrenched culture of impunity is to blame for the violence.
But the practice of early marriage stems as much from entrenched culture as from financial need.