Times Business School is an institution for advance learning & research, created to impart management education relevant to professional & entrepreneurial development in India.
NACCE helps community colleges nationwide link their traditional role of workforce development with entrepreneurial development.
BMCC has established the Commerce Laboratory in the year 2003, wherein several study-projects for entrepreneurial development are undertaken by the students.
In 1993, the same year he started the Business Round Table, he was named head of the Government's council for entrepreneurial development.
He said entrepreneurial development was a key to the woes of reviving the city whose past he loves to evoke.
CEN promotes these activities and assists with entrepreneurial development and income-generation initiatives.
The EDA also supports entrepreneurial development through training programs.
Thus, they operate most effectively in organizations that have evolved beyond the chaotic, no-rules stage of entrepreneurial development that characterizes so many new companies.
Created in 1953, the Small Business Administration operates in four key areas: access to capital, government contracting, entrepreneurial development, and disaster relief.
The greatest need in the area is lack of development - intellectual and entrepreneurial development of the people of Byldrift.