From the perspective of Portugal's industrial orders, exports, entrepreneurial innovation and high-school achievement, the country matched or even surpassed its neighbors in Western Europe.
But he came to love it as an inviting place to try entrepreneurial innovation in public service.
Mr. Klein understands that the real threat to entrepreneurial innovation is Microsoft's anticompetitive arrogance.
Chief Technology Office Aneesh Chopra asks entrepreneurs and the broader public how to accelerate entrepreneurial innovation in three priority industries: healthcare, clean energy and education.
Maintaining and increasing our American capacity for innovation thus requires both fundamental support for entrepreneurial innovation and for the key foundations of science and technology.
One wing has favored immigration as an engine of entrepreneurial innovation and a means for attracting global talent from Chinese computer programmers to Nigerian nurses.
Furthermore, I sincerely believe that this programme will have a positive effect in terms of increasing competitiveness and entrepreneurial innovation.
We must move to a new area of entrepreneurial innovation, where in Europe we are working together to make the world's most cutting-edge products.
"What has happened is that entrepreneurial innovation has become the prime competitive weapon, and industry can no longer wait for the occasional geniuses to come along with something new," Mr. Baumol said.
The United States was the first country largely predicated on such bourgeois ideas as the absence of inherited status and the importance of entrepreneurial innovation.