He will give you hints as to the location of every entry pass in the area.
But in the second half, they started to face-guard us more, working to deny the entry pass.
The next day, Kavyah goes to work and finds out that her entry pass to get inside the office has been cancelled.
He stole an entry pass intended for Coleman and hit two free throws to make the score 82-79.
"Conoco gives them an entry pass with the new government - if there is one."
He wondered why no one seemed to grasp how to make an entry pass to the post.
The defender at the free throw line then sprints out and picks up the entry pass.
All participants on the tour must obtain a timed entry pass.
For more information, or to reserve an entry pass, please visit www.fordstheatre.org or call (202) 426-6924.
Dan Majerle made the precise entry pass, into the left post.