The entry of Nuño de Guzmán to Sinaloa in 1531, and the appointment of the conquered lands as provinces prompted the internal territorial division in the State.
The entry of larger players and growing consolidation of the tortilla market has prompted many producers to invest heavily in automated equipment to increase production and reduce labor costs.
"We did not do our job in that regard," he said, offering no explanation of why the entry did not prompt an inquiry.
The entry of France into the war prompted the British leaders to redeploy their armed forces for a more global war, and Philadelphia was abandoned.
The sales were "underwhelming," by Mr. Obama's own assessment, and only his entry into the Senate race prompted a new paperback edition.
At first glance he thought she was awake, but his entry into the cargo bay prompted no reaction from her.
In the spring of 1955, West Germany's entry into NATO prompted the Soviet Union to form its own military alliance, the Warsaw Pact.
China's entry into the World Trade Organization in 2001 prompted a surge in foreign investment - it may reach a record $50 billion this year - even as neighbors saw their totals shrink.
Ford's late entry into the bidding has prompted some muttering in Detroit that the company might just be running up the price for G.M.
Syers' entry into the World Championships prompted the ISU to discuss the subject of women competing against men at their next Congress in 1903.