One of them dealt with Japanese erotic art, and he opened it at a charcoal sketch of two young girls entwined together on a bed.
Entwined together, they walked through the fading light back to the village.
Largely wordless, for a while they lay entwined together in Brad's bed, letting the dregs of anger and pain seep away.
The dance begins and ends most unusually with the dancers lying entwined together asleep on the ice.
They are truly bizarre in appearance, with a body made of hundreds of snakes entwined together to hold up a gargantuan snake head.
Adjacent to the Boundary Central Secondary School is a park in which two trees have grown together after being entwined together when the village was young.
When the sun rose their naked bodies were entwined together in the soft shadows.
Now they lay entwined together, tangled in a silk sheet that was thoroughly ripped, soaked with the sweaty musky aura of erotic sexual love.
Nesting e two ladles, they lay quietly, happily entwined together.
Chapter 19 We lay entwined together on a bed of Doyle's hair.