The returning officer then compiles all loose postal ballot papers together with postal ballot papers having been removed from envelopes marked "A".
He reaches into his breast pocket, produces a brown envelope marked on her majesty's service and slaps it into my unresisting hand.
At her home, Recordon found envelopes marked "for our friend, Paul Lacroix."
But those homeowners should get checks within a few weeks, in envelopes marked with the name of the man who is eager to claim credit for the rebate: Mr. Bloomberg.
He had shown me snapshots of prize plants that gardeners had mailed to Norml, sometimes in envelopes marked with return addresses.
One effective and relatively inexpensive system that his company has used, he said, involves keeping individual keys in sealed envelopes marked with code numbers that correspond to different apartments.
Sergeant Allinson passed him a brown cardboard-backed envelope marked with the crest of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
There were also empty envelopes marked with a series of squares and triangles, which was presumed to be a code.
Jacobs opened a drawer and pulled out a large envelope, marked with Miles' name.
The perpetrators of the fraud send solicitations in envelopes marked first class but bearing only 6 cents postage, not 25 cents.