After emptying the postal voters' ballot box, the postal voting statements and envelopes marked "A"/loose postal ballot papers are separated into two different groups.
As Harry hoped, the file contained an envelope marked "Private Records" and he particularly ignored it until a buzzer sounded, summoning Kemal to Barka's own office.
Today's Columns Those envelopes marked "important tax document": open them and check the figures.
THE news came in a plain white envelope marked "personal and confidential."
The envelope marked with the number three.
In the removal of the Major's possessions, the landlord comes upon a sealed envelope marked as containing five hundred thalers.
Leahy opened the sealed envelope marked "top secret."
In episode 8, she always received the envelope marked "For Your Eyes Only"
I had just one more thing to leave with her: a prepared envelope marked "To Be Opened in the Event of the Death of Miles Gentry."
The envelope is marked "official business" and has "U.S. Census" clearly marked on the outside.