Scott was 'the victim of a combination of envious rivals as selfish as it is ignoble'.
To be fair, the bumptious Barnum never claimed coinage; indeed, according to the Columbia World of Quotations, he later thanked his envious rival for the publicity.
The frenzy has left Mr. Bush's rivals stunned, envious and, in some cases, deeply dispirited and feeling shut out, a year before the voting begins.
By 1793, however, Lavoisier fell victim to the calumnies circulated by his envious scientific rival, Jean-Paul Marat, who was also a Jacobin pamphleteer.
Louis B. Mayer, his apparent colleague-in-arms but also his envious rival, had told his two daughters not to get romantically interested in Irving because he'd never last.
Court Jews frequently suffered through the denunciation of their envious rivals and co-religionists, and were often the objects of hatred of the people and the courtiers.
There are envious rivals" - Falsythe seemed distressed at the thought - "who sometimes try to pry into our affairs by sending pretended customers here.
She embodies the rise of London as the headquarters of global capitalism and successfully defends it from envious rivals.
Page A1 International A3-15 Soviet entrepreneurs have it rough as they fend off obstructive bureaucrats, envious professional rivals, criminal rackets and a public that seems increasingly hostile.
Several Soviet groups have sprung up to defend business people against Government bureaucrats, envious rivals, criminal rackets and a sometimes hostile public.