The purpose of this research is to explore the characteristics, both organisational and environmental, which are required for successful performance review implementation.
The plug-in allows users to learn about a nominated wave's history, location, environmental characteristics and surf culture.
Artificialism refers to the belief that environmental characteristics can be attributed to human actions or interventions.
Environmental or 'green' labels provide information about the environmental characteristics of products or services.
It was developed to measure social and environmental characteristics of all families.
To identify malleable individual or environmental characteristics that can be changed by preventive intervention.
And the environmental characteristics are variables such quality of air, proximity to parks, beaches, dumping yards, etc.
Populations living in certain regions may be at increased risk because of the physical location and/or environmental characteristics of a region.
Industry will be motivated to improve the environmental characteristics of products with a significant capacity for self-regulation.
Other map collections from the library include those depicting exploration, military campaigns and environmental characteristics.