In an effort to halt the environmental devastation Indonesia imposed a ban last year on the export of logs.
How do we prevent this rapid slide into environmental devastation and the destruction of our wildlife?
Overpopulation and environmental devastation have already contributed to similar situations on a smaller scale.
One is that while environmental devastation does exist, it comes from God as punishment for humanity's evils.
What are a few bolts beside the environmental devastation caused by a large quarry?
The film takes place in rural Tennessee, where communities have experienced economic and environmental devastation created by the coal mining industry.
People the world over are seeing their fundamental rights restricted due to environmental devastation.
In spite of the social and environmental devastation these vehicles wreak, there is a bright side.
Fundamental human rights must be respected, the fight against environmental devastation intensified and child labour prohibited.
These deals are causing environmental devastation to less developed countries which, in biological terms, is like setting fire to the Serengeti.