Some say the birds - decimated by lead poisoning, power lines and other environmental insults - should be allowed to disappear with dignity.
We suppose that high pay, little environmental insult, upward mobility for workers, and stability or growth are among the attributes desired of new activities.
"It is the accumulation of one environmental insult after another that eventually shows its effect."
Nonetheless, almost all cases are sporadic, signifying fresh mutations or environmental insult to the genome.
But what's the message we're sending to polluters: buy your way out of the nation's largest environmental insult?
Those cases are thought more likely to result from repeated environmental insults rather than from a strong inborn predisposition.
The environmental insult would be coming from Lavin's camp.
The moves represent another slap at a community that already had its share of environmental insults.
Others believe the injury, which could be a mutation or environmental insult, occurs later on, perhaps in the second trimester of pregnancy.
But the cells that become cancerous often take decades of environmental insults to pick up mutations, which doesn't explain many behavioral disorders.