An early Florio commercial attacked Mr. Courter as an environmental polluter for leaving drums of toxic waste on his property.
But John Cronin, the Hudson Riverkeeper, said that while governments talked a good game about getting tough with environmental polluters, officials were often inconsistent.
He also advocates stiffer penalties for environmental polluters and would deal harshly and quickly with major drug dealers.
Phil, the town's wealthiest man, is a strip miner and environmental polluter whose attitude is that "mountains grow back."
Mr. Smith's food business was presented by his opponent as a greedy environmental polluter.
In 1999 he was investigated for improper interference with local authorities on behalf of an industrial environmental polluter.
He said he also wants to see safer conditions for farm workers and their children, tougher penalties for environmental polluters and a cap on government spending.
Phibes and son (to have been played by a young Vincent Price look-alike) join to wage war on environmental polluters.
A 2002 survey undertaken by Scorecard, an environmental watch group, rated their facilities in the 90% percentile of the worst environmental polluters.
Many feel like hypocrites, increasingly forced to defend, say, environmental polluters by day, even if they attend Sierra Club meetings by night.