The site is still undergoing environmental remediation, and the next five year review for the site will be completed in August 2013.
Some sites, he said, will require varying degrees of environmental remediation.
We had spent of lot of money, including $2.5 million on environmental remediation, and there was no opposition from the public.
After the property conveyance, Utopia would have 18 months to complete environmental remediation.
The site has undergone extensive demolition and environmental remediation since 1992.
The old rail yard is currently undergoing environmental remediation and the depot has been temporarily moved.
Although federal and state authorities have been working on the sites' environmental remediation, many areas remain contaminated.
He noted that harvesting costs also include fees for forest management, road building, replanting and environmental remediation.
These reactions are often disregarded by scientists and engineers involved with environmental remediation.
However, its first commercial application in 1989 was dedicated to the environmental remediation of contaminated soils.