Since the environmental upgrades, the building has won the BOMA 2012 Earth Award for Multi-Use Building.
The city of Regina in 2002 undertook an energy efficiency audit and environmental upgrade to the building.
During periods of low demand, generators rapidly made necessary repairs and environmental upgrades so those plants could be fully available for this summer.
Other environmental upgrades include a "Tri-Sorter" recycling chute that accommodates 3 types of waste.
Bush incorporates new technologies including improved propeller and bulbous bow designs, a reduced radar signature and electronic and environmental upgrades.
The bulk of the investment would go for an overhaul; also included would be safety and environmental upgrades.
HOUSES Because of environmental upgrades and "soft costs" for permits and other legal matters, a three-bedroom house in the Inlet section can cost $150,000 to $210,000.
There ought to be an environmental upgrade of landfill sites and safe final disposal of the residues from them.
Starting players have limited funds, and have to decide where to invest the funds (technology upgrades, ships,or environmental upgrades).
She and her partner, Randolph Croxton, an architect, specialize in environmental upgrades of buildings.