But environmentalists point to the slaughter of laughing gulls on Long Island as perhaps the clearest example of the perversity syndrome.
Ms. Claussen and some other environmentalists point to several moves that imply the administration is going to take the treaty seriously.
The environmentalists pointed to scientific research linking shark fishing to steep declines in some of the world's largest shark species, including basking sharks and great white sharks.
But the environmentalists pointed to at least two projects that seem to say differently.
As New Jersey again begins its summer campaign to attract visitors to its beaches, environmentalists are pointing to mile after mile of chock-a-block development and are asking the Legislature to restrict overbuilding on the shore.
But environmentalists point to surveys showing that most Alaskans favor spending most of the fund on wilderness.
Most environmentalists point to the watershed, which provides drinking water to New York City and most of Westchester.
Many residents and environmentalists pointed to safety lapses at Indian Point and demanded that it be shut down, while many plant workers and others defended the nuclear operations and rattled off their economic benefits.
Palestinian officials and Israeli environmentalists often point critically to this disparity and to California-style watered lawns and capacious bathtubs that they consider irresponsibly profligate.
In the search for explanations, the environmentalists point to the ocean waste.