IT was the environmentally concerned 10-year-olds against the business-oriented developer.
He'd studied the 267 geology and ecosystems of the area and until his mid-eighties sat on the boards of a number of environmentally concerned nonprofits.
Many decent, environmentally concerned British people, particularly the young, have been deceived.
"If we don't recognize we're a distinct minority in a world growing more environmentally concerned - and that means noise, too," he said, "we'll become an anachronism."
Then environmentally concerned citizens, who lacked money to sustain years of litigation, suggested a compromise made possible by a 1982 amendment to the Endangered Species Act.
I'd like to thank the citizens of Warren Grove for bringing to the attention of environmentally concerned citizens the planned construction of high-frequency towers.
Hybrid technology is also being promoted by environmentally concerned transit authorities.
Among the audience cited in the introduction are the 'environmentally concerned general public, but I fear that this growing band will be lost within the first 20 pages.
It also gives a long explanation of which seafood an environmentally concerned diner might deign to eat.
At times, he has supported Democrats in California, such as the liberal and environmentally concerned Representative Sam Farr in 2002.