Even if the fish should be found to be environmentally damaging, it can still be released.
The campaigning group lobby the Government and big business to stop environmentally damaging practices.
Building a stadium on the edge of town may not be as environmentally damaging as you might think.
They also retained the environmentally damaging and costly approach road, though opposed strongly by local communities.
The waste hierarchy can help you to choose the least environmentally damaging option:
Financing from European funds can no longer be a justification for allowing environmentally damaging expenditure to proceed.
By means of a partly common tax policy, we could, for example, make environmentally damaging activities more expensive.
We must now do away with environmentally damaging subsidies, and Parliament should propose a timetable for this.
There are narrow passes which are under considerable pressure from environmentally damaging emissions.
Instead, they form a pattern of increasingly frequent and environmentally damaging events, which industry officials cannot condone or ignore.