In mammals, the enzyme contains 44 separate polypeptide chains.
It is thought by some that enzymes contained in the root break down these constituents in the process of drying.
The enzyme contains two major domains, responsible for the aminotransferase and synthase activity, respectively.
This enzyme contains two zinc molecules in its active site and is activated by Ca.
These enzymes contain a catalytic triad consisting of histidine-57, aspartate-102, and serine-195.
Those studies showed that each active enzyme contains two catalytic pockets.
Many enzymes contain manganese, making it essential for life, and is also found in chloroplasts.
This enzyme contains Heme and belongs to a flavoprotein family.
Most enzymes that produce reactive oxygen species contain one of these metals.
This enzyme contains a thioredoxin-type disulfide as a catalytic group.