One drug is streptokinase, which is an enzyme secreted by several streptococcal bacteria.
This may be due to a keratolytic enzyme secreted during stage 1.
Digestion is catalysed by enzymes secreted by glands in the lobes.
They showed extracellular enzyme secreted by this bacteria capable of degrading the human hair in its native state.
This term is also often used to refer to the hydrolytic digestive enzymes secreted by fungi.
In the process of sewage disposal, sewage is digested by enzymes secreted by bacteria.
The water acts as a solvent for the digestive enzymes secreted into the gut.
It's a controlled belch, with a hypergolic effect from an enzyme secreted between the first and second rows of teeth.
Dipeptidases are enzymes secreted by enterocytes into the small intestine.
This behavior facilitates predatory feeding, as the concentration of extracellular digestive enzymes secreted by the bacteria increases.