Mr. Graves is still painting such ephemeral works, with great authority.
He adds: "A lot of people dealing with ephemeral works hedge at the last minute and are not quite willing to let nature run its course.
Her paintings are a materialization of the ideas about color, light and perception first created in her ephemeral works.
The periodical sought to avoid ephemeral works and to review only "standard works which add to the stock of human knowledge and will live beyond a day".
Since its beginnings in 2003 it is still the only art prize for ephemeral works in the world.
A photographic record of some of his wonderfully ephemeral works.
His works, mostly ephemeral, are made to be entered.
One spectacle, mounted on the Bidasoa river, is a particularly famous example of Catherine's entertainments as ephemeral works of art.
It is dedicated to showcasing and celebrating all forms of public art including ephemeral works such as street art, performance art and graffiti.
Warltire published many ephemeral works to complement his courses of lectures.