BlueVoice is expanding its research to include epidemiological information about the town, especially those who eat dolphin meat.
Taking the clinical and epidemiological information into account, the Spanish health authorities decided, firstly, to prescribe gangliosides under special rules and, secondly, to recommend new clinical trials.
Both ProMED-mail and Healthmap collect information in several different languages to gather worldwide epidemiological information.
The lethality estimate was based on epidemiological information at 1-2%.
The lack of epidemiological information about endometriosis is lamentable and can be improved only by studies in which an accurate visual diagnosis is made.
In many instances, this will not be significant, but on occasions it may help to lead to important new epidemiological information without pin-pointing any one individual.
The modification, if needed, should be influenced by a thorough evaluation of the history, physical examination findings, laboratory data, chest radiograph, and epidemiological information.
The CDC has posted epidemiological information about this outbreak at
Diagnosis is usually made using clinical and epidemiological information.
In view of the lack of epidemiological information about endometriosis, we decided to analyse the available data in the Oxford Family Planning Association contraceptive study.