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Specifically, increased expression was seen in genes involved in the p53 pathway, apoptosis, negative regulators of cell metabolism, and genes related to epigenetic control.
Nuclear dimorphism is subject to complex epigenetic controls.
Mechanics of epigenetic control.
SAM, being a methyl group donor necessary for DNMT activity, could further shift epigenetic control of gene expression.
The main focus of his experimental work was the epigenetic control of gene expression by DNA methylation in CHO cells.
On the division or reproduction of ciliates, the two nucleus are under several epigenetic controls.
Also known since at least the 1950s is the means by which the environment influences embryonic and juvenile development, namely the epigenetic control of gene activation and deactivation.
Variants of these proteins are known to occur throughout eukaryotes and these are thought to play a role in epigenetic control.
DNA methylation is a major form of epigenetic control over gene expression and one of the most highly studied topics in epigenetics.
Studies in 2011 have shown that insulin resistance (IR), the hallmark of type 2 diabetes, may also involve epigenetic control as a contributing factor.