He is one of the early Aryacakravarti kings about whom historical and epigraphical evidence is available.
The origin of Alupas prior to the Kadambas is unclear as there are no epigraphical evidences.
Besides epigraphical evidence, an important source of information on early Celtic is toponymy.
The first epigraphical evidence of the Molossian league goes back to 370 BC under Neoptolemus.
It is, however, still attested from epigraphical evidence, notably the Thames scramasax, and its introduction thus cannot postdate the 9th century.
His archaeological work resulted in many important discoveries and the collection of valuable epigraphical evidence.
The Heliodorus pillar inscription is another epigraphical evidence of the interaction between Greeks and Hinduism.
All surviving epigraphical evidence from grave markers to public inscriptions is in Greek.
The epigraphical evidence, In Clemoes and Hughes, eds.
Of all the sources, particularly important is the epigraphical evidence.