It can provide information about drug studies, employment services, epilepsy centers, and support groups in your area.
Since the film was produced, the diet has seen a dramatic revival with numerous published research studies and it is now in use at 75 epilepsy centers in 45 countries.
Patients can be screened for the surgery at at least 80 epilepsy centers nationwide.
A preoperative evaluation, in which the brain is mapped at an epilepsy center, can cost $20,000 to $90,000, Dr. Engel said.
People with epilepsy who have trouble controlling seizures and need special care, tests, or surgery can get help at epilepsy centers.
The staff at epilepsy centers include doctors and other health professionals trained in treating people with this disorder.
It is most likely to be available at an epilepsy center.
Surgery is usually done in a hospital that is associated with an epilepsy center.
The study involves 25 major epilepsy centers and more than 150 scientists and clinical staff around the United States, Australia and Argentina.
At some epilepsy centers, patients are offered additional conventional or experimental medications before surgery is considered.