In the first season, episodes centered on Larry at the radio station and his smart remarks to callers.
He opined that if the episode centered only around Jack's two women dilemma it "would have been just fine."
This episode centered around the ending of Kim's birth control, which apparently is a sign that she needs to have a baby.
Several episodes also centred around the Halliwell sisters understanding and learning about their magical heritage.
Curtis, inspired by the fact that van Gogh never knew he would be famous, had the idea for an episode centred around him.
This episode centered around Michelle's fight to bring a shopping mall to town.
The most recent episode aired in 2010 and centered around Justin Bieber.
During the western's fourteen-year run, just two episodes centered around the character.
Several final-season episodes centered on her newfound interest in acting.
The episode centered on his socialist activities in Germany.