This episode was highly controversial due to its violent content, with many affiliates refusing to run the program, and was mentioned in the US Senate.
The 13th episode was mentioned at the 2006 Tokyo Animation Fair.
When this episode is mentioned to PD and Paul, they merely shrug their shoulders and close ranks.
In season 2, episode 3 of Human Target, two cleaners are mentioned, one under the codename "Mr. Chicago".
This episode was first mentioned in a newspaper article written thirty-five years after the Alamo fell by a reporter who said his parents heard the story directly from Rose.
In the late 1960s, episodes featuring Charlie were dropped from the series and his character was never mentioned again.
Two episodes in particular are mentioned by Mrs Whitehouse as exemplifying the series' worst qualities.
However, one very publicized and significant episode of "dirty tricks" was not mentioned.
On the November 1, 2010 episode, MacArthur's death was mentioned in a short tribute that played before the start of that episode.