The novel's structure is in episodic form.
The events are presented in episodic form, as a continuous narrative tossed antiphonally to and fro between the actresses.
Each night he visits the narrator in his hotel and relates, in episodic form, what he has learned from Peters.
Thus, "what we find instead are episodic, spontaneous forms" of expression.
It is currently being published online in episodic form.
"Scenes From a Marriage" works even better in its episodic form than it does as a three-hour feature.
There's nothing wrong with such an episodic form of construction, provided, of course, that all the episodes are equally imaginative.
Based on that research, she began moving preschool programs toward longer narratives and away from the short episodic form that was pioneered by Sesame Street.
The story is told in episodic form, in a style reminiscent of aphorisms.
He shunned development, preferring episodic forms, especially the theme with variations, which he used to impressive expressive effect.