This second group of sons are all eponymous ancestors of legendary families of the north.
Nicol appears to have flourished at the turn of the 14th century, and was likely the eponymous ancestor of the clan.
Ruanui is acknowledged as the eponymous ancestor of the iwi.
The actual name of this eponymous ancestor was "Arif-Ullah".
In the genealogical scheme, 'Anazzah's eponymous ancestor is a great uncle of all of these.
He is the first eponymous ancestor of the Balšić noble family.
The tribe traces a genealogical history backwards from their eponymous ancestor to Adam.
The wizard invoked the good god and the eponymous ancestor of his people once more when the circle of twine touched the ground.
As the eponymous ancestor of the clan, Achaemenes is very often held to be legendary.
Today he is considered to be the eponymous ancestor of Clan MacAlister.