The General Assembly did, however, pass legislation requiring businesses serving the public "to provide equal accommodations for those who might be deemed obnoxious by others."
As relevant in this case, it requires business establishments to provide "full and equal accommodations, advantages, facilities, privileges, or services" to all persons notwithstanding their sexual orientation.
The court, in finding that "separate but equal" accommodations were constitutional, effectively upheld Jim Crow measures.
In the early 1950's, the district built new schools, to provide what were said to be equal accommodations for blacks and whites.
Before Brown, the court's 1896 decision in Plessy v. Ferguson was the law, requiring only "separate but equal" accommodations.
The equally infamous Plessy v. Ferguson, which upheld "separate but equal" accommodations for black and white railroad passengers, covered 17 pages.
A beam of nearly 12 feet and cambered house-top created a large interior with accommodation equal to a standard yacht several feet longer.
"For 'separate but equal' accommodations, they were going to give me a whole mansion behind the hotel, so nobody could say I didn't have a nice place to stay."
It was Legion policy to give equal accommodations to troops of all races, but in most units that meant equal discomfort.
The company successfully appealed for relief on the grounds it offered separate but equal accommodation.