Two are in an MO which has equal contributions from all 6 atoms.
In theory, championship teams feature equal contributions from offense, defense and special teams.
A focus on what is needed to secure the desired outcome rather than demanding equal contributions can facilitate a more open dialogue.
Last year, however, the two divisions made nearly equal contributions to the company's operating income.
If there isn't an equal contribution of time, effort, or resources, this can cause discord among partners.
Two of these electrons are in an MO that has equal contributions from all six atoms.
Group work must be coordinated among its members so that each member makes an equal contribution to the whole work.
It may be idealistic, or impractical, for instance, to assume that everyone could have an equal contribution throughout the film making process.
In this way, we would achieve equal contributions from each Member State, without unnecessary complications.
All players remaining in the hand make equal contributions to the pot.