It is hard to give a group of characters equal depth, and this play has seven.
The water molecules continue to do this to a depth equal to 1/2 the wave length.
But breadth does not necessarily equal depth, which is perhaps why no other dictionary has taken American Heritage's lead.
The velocity data is used to correct the curves of the hyperbolas and create a flat line where all points are at an equal depth.
Pressure was gradually built up equal to the two-mile ocean depth at the helium beds.
Most seeds need only be planted at a depth equal to their own thickness in order to germinate.
Most seeds should be covered to a depth equal to their size, but again check the packet.
The dzor was a measure of depth equal to about seven feet.
He wanted to write songs on similar themes and with equal depth.
The pikemen where normally deployed four men deep with musketeers of equal depth on the sides.