Were the spheres of equal diameter?
The red rods are rods of equal diameter, varying only in length.
The bucklers vary in size, with the largest of equal diameter to the eye, and may bear up to three thorns each.
I have in the past gotten bottles of various shapes to shrink to form a cylinder w/ diameter equal to that of the neck.
Typically, the relation expressing the number of objects of the diameter smaller or equal to is approximated by a power law:
You'd have a dish antenna with an effective diameter equal to that of the orbit.
The wheels of the trucks had a diameter equal to his own height, or nearly so.
The eyes are relatively large, with a diameter equal to or greater than the distance between nares.
The pale yellow, bell-shaped flowers are up to 2.5 centimeters long and have an equal diameter.
Complete linkage tends to find compact clusters of approximately equal diameters.