Zavala duplicated Austin's body block with equal effectiveness.
It was Irvin who could keep everyone loose and applaud or criticize his teammates with equal effectiveness.
His teammates said he earns every nickel because he blocks, runs and catches with equal effectiveness.
When it comes to Chinese art, the Metropolitan Museum of Art can think big or small with equal effectiveness.
Perhaps the first step towards achieving this balance of ability is to be able to use both left and right sides with equal effectiveness.
The Giants found a team that does everything the way they used to do it, with equal effectiveness, with equal punch.
This was because while carbamazepine and primidone are of roughly equal effectiveness, the former is less likely to cause sedation and cognitive impairment.
But can a single conception, however striking on its own terms, be made to serve two media with equal effectiveness?
On another occasion Selke had said, "Many times men were named who were not his equal in all-round effectiveness."
In between, he played with equal effectiveness for Collingwood, where he added another 114 league games.